
English Languaje challenges

 HELLO EVERYONE! I hope you're fine and healthy.  My experience at english class at university was better than I expected. I have to confess that at the beginning of this semester I was very nervous because at that time we don't know the teacher and we knew we had to speak more English face-to-face but the teacher was very patient and understanding. Mmmh, about the blogs I can say that they are not my favorite thing but deep down I kind of enjoy making them like a rockstar. I get very nervous and that makes my pronunciation bad so I think that I need more practice speaking. Most of the songs I listen to are in English so sometimes I understand what they say and sometimes I have to look up the translation, I also like to watch movies in English with subtitles because you can feel the emotions of the actors.  Bonus: Sometimes I practice english trying to speak like Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders so I think that I deserve a good rating by order of the Peaky Blinders HAHAHA

Time travel to the past or future

  Hello Hello Hello! Today I’m going to talk about Time Travel! What a amazing thing isn’t? If I could travel in time, I think I would first go to the past and then doubt about the future because it scares me. In the past, I would visit my grandparents and spend more time with them and tell them that I love them very much and that I miss them very much in the future. Maybe by having contact with them, it creates a temporary glitch, but I don’t care. if I were to travel to the future, I would go to 2029 or maybe 2030. I would like to know what I’m doing, where I live and if my dreams and goals are being fulfilled. I would also visit my brother, find out where he is working and if he went to work on a cruise ship like he wanted to because he is a chef. Although the most important thing for me is to know if he is well and if he is happy. I would visit my parents to see if they are well. To my friends, to know how their lives are going, if they are doing well and if they are happy

My dream job

Hi everyone! I hope you're fine and healthy. Today I'm going to talk about my dream job. I was thinking that I would like to work in different places specifically in archeology doing research, excavations and maybe some discoveries.  I imagine myself with a nomadic life, a citizen of the world. Traveling around the world, working wherever needed or on specific projects. I think that I'll need physical resistance to walk a lot, communication skills and a strong mentality in case of encountering any bioanthropological materiality.  I know that in this area of work you earn money per project, but I hope to earn enough money to be able to live comfortably.  I am currently studying anthropology but my goal is to take a minor in archaeology because this way I can achieve the goals I have set for myself and I can get to know new people and their cultures. I can also understand more about the past and the situations that have caused society to be as we know it today. Recently I was

The best Holiday ever

Hello Hello Hello! Today I'm going to talk about my best Holidays! It was this summer. I mean on my vacations 2022. I went to south of Chile, in especific Puerto Varas and the Lago Llanquihue route with my mom and my cousin. The real reason we went there is because my favorite uncle is living in Puerto Varas and we wanted to see him.  From Puerto Varas we went to different places like Frutillar, Llanquihue, Cochamó, Chiloé, Angelmó and more in only 7 days! It was very tiring but we enjoyed it very much since we did not know those places. The south of Chile is incredible, I'm in love. One day we went to Saltos del Petrohué and Lago de todos los Santos, both places are really beautiful. The next day we went to Dalcahue in Chiloé. My mom and I bought a lot of handicrafts and we travel by barge. In Frutillar we also buy handicrafts and A LOT OF KUCHEN. I think that kuchen is the best thing I’ve ever eaten. I definitely want to go back to the south.                       She's m

A country you would like to visit

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about to a country that I would like to visit. Italy!! Ohh, I really want to go to Italy, I think that country it’s SO ROMANTIC! Especially the south, maybe is for the movies or the aesthetic but I believe the natural landscape is so beautiful. To be honest, I don’t know much about his culture or something, but I think the experience living there must be very calm and romantic. I can imagine myself reading a book on the grass or cooking while I dance or maybe walking around the town to see the sunset. I hope one day fulfill that dream. If I think about it, I wouldn’t work there but if I had to do it, I would like it to be in a cafeteria. I forget something very important; I don’t speak Italian so maybe that’s a little problem.  Nevermind! I have so much time yet because I want to finish my carrer first!

Tell us about a subject you enjoy studing

Hello Hello Hello!! It's me again, I hope you're fine and healthy. Today I'm going to talk about the subject that I have most enjoyed studying. I think that is Bioanthropology and Materiality because in these areas you can see very interesting things, like projectile tips, bone remains, ceramics. I'm currently participanting in a volunteer program on heritage collections and here I can learn about diferents sites and the remains found (bioanthropologycal and materiality) in the excavations that allow  us to understand more about the history, in specific history of Chile. Sometimes we order and label lithics. I really like te volunteer because I can learn so much about the remains, this is my favorite day of the week. When I finish studying my career, I think I will travel around de world and maybe start working in these areas that I mencionated, doing excavations and finding remains of materiality and bioanthropology.

How can your major make the world a better

Hi everyone!! I'm so sorry for being lost these days. Today I'm going to talk about how my major make the world a better place. I want to choose Archaeology because I think that is very important to history and i believe that I can deliever peace to some families who lost his family members in dictatorship doing excavations and finding buried bodies. If I saiy it in that way it sounds horrible but I think that in this way people can feel calmer when they find and give a dignified buried to the relatives the lost. In the future I see myself traveling, doing excavations and contributing so that the history of ancient people isn't forgotten. I believe that my major can make the world a better place by making the world understand our history and not forget it so that it doesn't repeat itself again.  Thanks!!