Time travel to the past or future


Hello Hello Hello! Today I’m going to talk about Time Travel! What a amazing thing isn’t? If I could travel in time, I think I would first go to the past and then doubt about the future because it scares me.

In the past, I would visit my grandparents and spend more time with them and tell them that I love them very much and that I miss them very much in the future. Maybe by having contact with them, it creates a temporary glitch, but I don’t care.

if I were to travel to the future, I would go to 2029 or maybe 2030. I would like to know what I’m doing, where I live and if my dreams and goals are being fulfilled.

I would also visit my brother, find out where he is working and if he went to work on a cruise ship like he wanted to because he is a chef. Although the most important thing for me is to know if he is well and if he is happy.

I would visit my parents to see if they are well. To my friends, to know how their lives are going, if they are doing well and if they are happy with what they are doing.

I would definitely not stay in the future, I would only visit and then come back, as I can enjoy more time with the people I love.

Ps: if I could travel back in time, I would definitely go to visit historical places and discover the great secrets and reveal the truth of their constructions.  


  1. will temporal glitches exist if we were to travel in time? it would be interesting to find out.

  2. I would also like to travel to the future to see if I achieve my goals!

  3. It is very nice that you want to see your loved ones in the future, and it is a very good idea what you wrote at the end of the text.

  4. Oh my, I definitely couldn't do anything of that dbddbdjkdkd seeing the future of me and my family? No no. In the other hand, I found very sweet to visit ours families in the past, that is something I would do, if we could

  5. It's cute that you want to visit your parents in the future <3


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