Tell us about a subject you enjoy studing

Hello Hello Hello!! It's me again, I hope you're fine and healthy. Today I'm going to talk about the subject that I have most enjoyed studying. I think that is Bioanthropology and Materiality because in these areas you can see very interesting things, like projectile tips, bone remains, ceramics.

I'm currently participanting in a volunteer program on heritage collections and here I can learn about diferents sites and the remains found (bioanthropologycal and materiality) in the excavations that allow  us to understand more about the history, in specific history of Chile. Sometimes we order and label lithics. I really like te volunteer because I can learn so much about the remains, this is my favorite day of the week.

When I finish studying my career, I think I will travel around de world and maybe start working in these areas that I mencionated, doing excavations and finding remains of materiality and bioanthropology.


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